Do you want to beautify your exterior area and the outdoor decor in your place? Well, if there is a way and you have the money, then who wouldn’t want that? However, though most of us want to do it, there are times when we don’t know what to do thus there are homeowners who will resort to hiring designers. Well, you could do that as well of course as that is indeed a sure fire of doing it. But then again, if you don’t have the means right now because designers can be expensive, what you can do to easily elevate to look of your exterior is place a patio or outdoor umbrella. That is right, if you will check out magazines or even if you will check the homes of celebrities, you will see that almost all of them have outdoor umbrellas or shade structures like even more than one actually.
Indeed a patio umbrella can easily enhance the look of the area where it is placed. And so, if you also want to give your patio a boost, then you should have at least one. Get the best pool umbrella for your place, and to help you choose the perfect piece, listed below are the different types of outdoor umbrellas:

– First is the residential type. This one is also popular for the name pass through the table type of patio umbrella as you need to insert the umbrella through the hole of the table at the center. This is by far the most preferred type of outdoor umbrella and is also the cheapest.
– Next is the market type of patio umbrella. Aside from the residential type, this is one is quite common as well though much higher quality compared to the residential type. This is best as well to be used outside your place or if you happen to have a resort like in the beach for example and also in some commercial places. This is well known for its octagonal shape and its wooden frames.
– You can also go for the cantilever type of patio umbrella. This outdoor umbrella is quite different from the two types mentioned above because this can stand by itself being it has a strong and durable base. Thus if you don’t want to be bothered by a weak base, then you should choose this one. The good thing about the design of this type though is it can just hang over the table near your swimming pool or any area for that matter without the bother of any pole at the center.
– The last is the commercial type. This one is for heavy duty used like if you are managing a diner or a bar for example, then you can use this so that your customers will have the options to just eat in the open or outside your business shop.
So, these are the types of patio umbrellas that you can choose to place in your patio. Indeed with any of them, your patio will automatically boost its appearance.
Don’t forget to contact a swimming pool certifier to check your pool area.